Friday 12 October 2012


TripleClicks Free Listing Program
Rules For Participation
A primary method for attracting new TripleClicks customers is by offering a free Private Seller listing. SFI provides a variety of marketing aids for this promotion including E-Cards, X-Cards, banners, and flyers.
If you wish to receive 100% of the enrollments you generate for marketing methods offering the free Private Seller listing (including E-Cards, X-Cards, banners, flyers, etc.), you can do so by simply purchasing TripleClicks credits. So long as you have TripleClicks credits in your account, you'll always be awarded 100% of the TripleClicks customers you generate, regardless of the marketing method employed. We will deduct one of your credits each time a free listing is redeemed by one of your enrollments.
If you'd prefer not to have to purchase credits, SFI will defer every fourth enrollment generated by the free Private Seller listing offer to the S-Builder Co-op. SFI will incur, on your behalf, and at no charge to you, the cost of the free listing for 3 of every 4 TripleClicks enrollments you generate. In other words, SFI will pick up the cost on 75% of your enrollments, but the remaining 25% of your enrollments will be deferred to the S-Builder Co-op (to be assigned to someone else).
SUMMARY: If you wish to employ the TripleClicks free listing promotion, you can do so at no cost to you, but one of every four of your enrollments will be deferred to someone else. If you prefer to keep 100% of your enrollments for yourself, simply keep TripleClicks credits in your account and we will deduct one credit each time a free listing is redeemed by one of your enrollments.
• For more information about the TC Free Listing Program, see this training article.

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